Welcome on the site of the 41th edition of the EMBRUNMAN
The Mythical long distance triathlon in the Hautes-Alpes
12/08/2025 | Merchandising Area Great Opening 12h to 8pm |
13/08/2025 | Merchandising Area 8am to 8pm |
14/08/2025 | Bike check-in 1.30 pm to 6.30 pm Merchandising Area 8am to 8pm |
15/08/2025 | Embrunman 5:50 am Quarter 8:00 am Merchandising Area 8am to 8pm |
16/08/2025 | Embrunman Awards Ceremony 10:00 am Merchandising Area 8am to 12 am |
Natura 2000 : informations